Seeking true beauty

Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co.,Ltd.

KISHIDA Ryusei1891-1929

Road and a Telegraph Pole

Road and a Telegraph Pole
Oil on canvas
52.5x44.8 cm

Selection 10 -Japanese Western-style Painting-

  • FUJISHIMA Takeji/Portrait of an European Lady
  • KUMAGAI Morikazu/A Spotted Cat
  • NAKAMURA Tsune/Portrait of a Woman
  • KOIDE Narashige/Standing Nude
  • YASUI Sotaro/Still Life on a Table
  • UMEHARA Ryuzaburo/Mt. Asama
  • KUNIYOSHI Yasuo/The Clown (to the Ball)
  • KISHIDA Ryusei/Reiko Holding an Apple
  • SAEKI Yuzo/Advertisements on a Street Corner
  • OKA Shikanosuke/A Castle in the Forest

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Please note that the gallery may close temporarily or alter opening and closing times due to weather conditions such as typhoons and heavy snowfall, or should a situation arise in which it is deemed that visitor safety or the operation of the museum may be hindered.